

| ├──G1 Wonders Leveled Readers
| | ├──Reading Wonders.G1.Leveled Readers.Approaching level .rar 142.67M
| | ├──Reading Wonders.G1.Leveled Readers.Beyond-level .rar 134.87M
| | ├──Reading Wonders.G1.Leveled Readers.ELL .rar 140.50M
| | ├──Reading Wonders.G1.Leveled Readers.On-level .rar 139.70M
| | └──Reading Wonders.G1.Wonders Leveled Readers MP3 .rar 346.88M
| ├──Level Up
| | ├──Level Up Lessons G1 Approaching to On .pdf 15.15M
| | ├──Level Up Lessons G1 ELL to On .pdf 14.81M
| | └──Level Up Lessons G1 On to Beyond .pdf 14.77M
| ├──Reading Wonders.exercise G1
| | └──Reading Wonders.exercise.G1
| ├──Wonders G1 Teacher Edition
| | ├──1 .pdf 213.26M
| | ├──2 .pdf 210.88M
| | ├──3 .pdf 227.40M
| | ├──4 .pdf 261.30M
| | ├──5 .pdf 178.96M
| | └──6 .pdf 183.61M
| ├──【希尔集团】Reading Wonders Bigbooks G1 共15本 (PDF+MP3)
| | └──【希尔集团】Reading Wonders Bigbooks G1 共15本 (PDF+MP3)
| ├──【11】Read Aloud G1 .zip 209.27M
| ├──【1】G1新增部分 .rar 524.56M
| ├──【3】ReadingWriting Workshop Grade1 .rar 205.60M
| └──【4】Literature Anthology Grade 1 .rar 475.11M
├──Unit01 Getting to konw us
| ├──Week 1 At School .mp4 43.22M
| ├──Week 2 Where I Live .mp4 52.70M
| ├──Week 3 Our Pets .mp4 61.46M
| ├──Week 4 Let’s Be Friends .mp4 45.10M
| └──Week 5 Let’s Move .mp4 71.17M
├──Unit02 Our Community
| ├──Week 1 Jobs Around Town .mp4 56.50M
| ├──Week 2 Buildings All Around .mp4 49.24M
| ├──Week 3 A Community in Nature .mp4 84.87M
| ├──Week 4 Let’s Help.mp4 69.79M
| └──Week 5 Follow the Map .mp4 13.43M
├──Unit03 Changes Over Time
| ├──Week 1 What Time Is It .mp4 57.15M
| ├──Week 2 Watch It Grow .mp4 66.24M
| ├──Week 3 Tales Over Time .mp4 70.98M
| ├──Week 4 Now and Then .mp4 92.23M
| └──Week 5 From Farm to Table .mp4 65.84M
├──Unit04 Animals Everywhere
| ├──Week 1 Animal features .mp4 59.11M
| ├──Week 2 Animals Together .mp4 68.93M
| ├──Week 3 In the Wild .mp4 74.36M
| ├──Week 4 Insects! .mp4 98.48M
| └──Week 5 Working with Animals .mp4 85.23M
├──Unit05 Figure it Out
| ├──Week 1 See It, Sort It .mp4 59.60M
| ├──Week 2 Up in the Sky .mp4 67.70M
| ├──Week 3 Great Inventions .mp4 80.67M
| ├──Week 4 Sounds All Around .mp4 70.97M
| └──Week 5 Build It! .mp4 78.80M
├──Unit06 Together We Can
| ├──Week 1 Friends Help Friends .mp4 72.37M
| ├──Week 2 Families Around the World .mp4 85.10M
| ├──Week 3 Pets are Our Friends .mp4 101.48M
| ├──Week 4.1 Animals Need Our Care .mp4 39.61M
| ├──Week 4.2 Animals Need Our Care .mp4 44.16M
| └──Week 5 Families Working Together .mp4 98.38M
└──Introduction .mp4 20.95M

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